Friday, August 15, 2008

Heathers dad suffered a stroke last night. :(

He was taken to the emergency room last night, and is currently in the Neuroscience Critical Care Unit. We don't know much about what has happened yet, other then he had some plaque in Carotid Artery, the artery that supplies your brain with blood. He has the symptoms of a stroke victim, but the doctors do not yet know if he actually suffered a stroke. He had a busy morning with hours of testing and an MRI.

We had the bikes on the car, and all the gear in the trunk when we went to visit him. After seeing him in the ICU, we decided to put off our trip for a week. Heather is taking this really hard, and just simply would not be able to enjoy our vacation knowing her dad is wired up to half a dozen machines in the ICU.

Thoughts and Prayers would be appreciated. :(