Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lifestyle Reform

After coming back home from an epic trip filled with constant movement, we allowed to let ourselves relax to an extended recovery mode. Our exercise throughout this past month has still been present, but not nearly as consistent as it had been the previous month.

With the coming of November and the snowboarding season creeping closer upon us, we decided that it was absolutely vital to get our lives back into order. It was time to get serious about our our health and what we could do every day to live completely to our fullest.

Physical activity on a daily basis is essential. Every morning, we will work on waking up at an early hour and starting off with a brisk walk to begin our day. When we get home from our walk, we will start the coffee and while its brewing, do 20 minutes of yoga. Push ups and other conditioning exercises will be done every other day, and at least once a week, we will complete an "epic" hike. Our idea of an epic hike is something that works us out completely, and something we need to pack water for. We can summit a peak, or hike to a lake, it doesn't matter as long as it works us out.

As for food, I'm sorry to say that I haven't fully recovered from my poor food choices on our bike trip and I haven't made the best effort to eat as well as I should. I still eat a healthy diet, but I'm lacking a lot of raw food. I want my diet to be at least 75% raw. That is, at least two of my meals per day should be raw and the rest will be healthy vegan. I don't have too much of a problem with dairy, and every once in a while I think its ok to have a treat, but for the most part, I just don't care for it.

So, that's it in a nutshell: Our 2008 Fall Lifestyle Reform. Each day we will strive to complete our goals and I know that life will be that much more rewarding because of it! This picture signifies the beginning of this reform. It was taken on Halloween Day, before we got dressed up to go to a party. We hiked about 1/2 up to Lake Blanche and today, we will complete that hike!