Saturday, May 30, 2009

Costa Rica Journal - Wednesday, 5-13-09

Yesterday was spent mostly waiting for a bus to arrive to take us into Guatozo. We finally got on the 2:10 and took it into town. After buying groceries, we walked back to the bus terminal where many people had accumulated. Here, we found the same bus that brought us into town and we took it back home as well. It was our first successful trip into town and back completely by bus!

Today we were expecting the car dealer to drive our truck to us. When the morning began to stretch into afternoon, we headed up to the public telephone to call the owner of the dealership. The truck was still getting repairs done and he said he'd drive it to us tomorrow. It wasn't until we went over to Fred and Amy's place later in the afternoon that we learned that tomorrow was the actual date that had been agreed upon. Something definitely was lost in translation there.