Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chocolate for all, a small Costa Rica update...

Fred, our friend from Costa Rica, just informed us today that he found fully grown cacao bushes on our land! The cacao bushes were planted for raising chocolate in the past.

I guess making chocolate will be one more thing to keep us busy while living in Costa Rica! I think I'll double the amount of space we are going to give to various spicy peppers in our garden. There is nothing better then chocolate that bites back.

This is what cacao looks like:
Heather and I sat down last night and started to figure out our house plans. Most of night was spent talking about creating an Art / Music building, away from our primary residence. The Art / Music room will be around 600 sq feet in size and contain a small kitchenette and bathroom. We really just want one big open space, a large stone fireplace / kiln on one wall, and lots of windows all around to take advantage of the views. We will live in the Art / Music room while we build our house, if all goes well, we should have our first building complete by the end of the summer. And our house started by next winter.

I'll post more Costa Rica updates as they happen. If you have not yet subscribed to our blog, feel free to do so! Every time we blog, you will get an email with the full blog post. You can subscribe in the top right corner of this page, make sure you check your email after subscribing, as you have to confirm that yes, you really want us to email you every-single-time we blog! :)