Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Snowboarding Day 3!!

The third day of snowboarding was definitely the best so far. I think I'm really starting to feel more comfortable on the board. The hardest part for me still is getting off my butt after strapping my feet in the binding. I've been experimenting with different ways of getting on my feet, and one of them ended up with me twisting my leg underneath me. That was pretty much the only bad fall I took and I happened at the end of the day.

Some good news is that we finally made if off the bunny hill! We took Mary's trail, which is another green run, but it is a lot longer and a bit more challenging. It was rather fun, although I had a bit of a panic attack when we got on the lift. I wasn't sure what lift we got on, and I thought it was the lift that took you to the black diamonds! Fortunately, we got on the right one and I didn't have end up having a heart attack after all.

Joe took a great little video of me going down the bunny hill.