Saturday, December 22, 2007

Snowboarding Day 6!

Well, this week has been almost a nonstop snowboarding experience. We've been 3 times since the last, 2 of them being at different resorts. After hitting up Brighton again on Tuesday, we went to Solitude on Wednesday for some lovely powder, and then on Friday we went to meet my brother Collin at Sundance. I have started to refer to the two of us as Ski Resort Whores. Our friend Brian asked if I meant Ski Bums when he heard me say that, but I think Ski Resort Whore is more appropriate. I really am beginning to see why people dig this lifestyle!

My muscles are getting more used to the movements and I can feel myself getting stronger. I can also feel the after effects of a full day of snowboarding. Sore, stiff muscles and an insatiable hunger. This snowboarding is really screwing up my juice fast plans! One thing we came to agreement on is that we need to start packing our own lunches because the cost of lunch at a resort is pretty ridiculous, but it can be a fun thing from time to time.

We added another video from our day at Sundance.

Today, we are off for a snoeshoeing adventure! Maybe we can get some fun videos from that as well! Stay tuned!